Visit Jason's personal blog. It includes original song lyrics, music, and various ramblings. Here is the link: The Mad Musings of a Hopeless Daydreamer
The Moody Musings:
Aside from writing music, Jason is also an avid music and movie fan. He contributes articles, music reviews, and interviews to various online magazines, such as You can read a collection of his articles by following this link: The Moody Musings
Andy Brown's YouTube Channel:
You can visit the YouTube channel of Jason's frequent collaborator, the talented writer and actor Andy Brown, by clicking on this link: Andy Brown's YouTube Channel
Matt Glickstein's Website:
Also, you can visit the website of composer Matt Glickstein, another of Jason's collaborators, by following this link: Matt Glickstein's website
Jon Statham's Website
Jon Statham is the voice and guitarist behind many of the demo recordings found on this site. Jon is a talented musician who lives in Nashville, TN. You can visit his website and check out his original music by using this link: Jon Statham's Official Website
Alfred Music
From the website: "Alfred Music’s passion is supporting music education with a focus on quality methods, performance, and reference materials for teachers, students, and professionals, spanning every musical instrument, style, and difficulty level. Since 1922, Alfred Music has been a world leader in music education and has helped over 10 million individuals learn, teach, and play music through our pedagogically sound products." Jason's concert band piece "The Starry Night" is published through this publisher. You can visit the company's website by following this link: Alfred Music
GPG Music
Gilroy Publications offers a variety of innovative compositions for marching band, concert band, and percussion ensemble. In addition, they also offer customizable shows for ensembles. Jason's concert band piece "Palace of the Snow Queen" is available through Gilroy Publications. You can visit the company's website by following this link: Gary P. Gilroy Publications
Warming Sun Music Publishing
Based in California, Warming Sun Music offers a variety for titles of school ensembles. Jason's concert band piece "Cibola (Seven Cities of Gold) is available through this company. You can visit the company's website by following this link: Warming Sun Music
Reading Music 101
Reading Music 101 (formerly is Jason's site that offers simple written lessons on the basics of musical notation with the hope of helping the untrained and frustrated composers and musicians in our world to unlock the mysteries of reading and writing sheet music. If you love to play music or sing but only do so “by ear”, then here is your chance to learn how to read sheet music. If you’ve never had any musical training, but have musical ideas you would like to put down on paper, then is the place for you! Take time to read the short lessons and practice the material on your own time. Visit the site at this link: ReadingMusic101 Link